As a spiritual director, and prayer workshop leader, I have a passion for walking with people as they awaken to the longings of their heart.
Years ago, the ground beneath my feet shifted as my neatly ordered world became filled with questions and difficult experiences. I lost my footing and had to find my way again. During this time of seeking, I entered seminary.
While at seminary, my core beliefs were challenged, examined, and reformed. I yearned for a spiritual companion to journey with me through this constantly changing inner landscape. Even though I searched for months, I was unable to find a someone to fill this role.
This experience inspired me to become a spiritual director. I sought a program that would cultivate my gifts while building confidence to journey with others who desire a deeper connection with God.
My search led me to Richard Rohr’s Living School at the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This two-year program focuses on the Perennial Tradition, the belief that there are sacred truths that span time, culture and religious traditions.
After completing the Living School’s program in 2015, I earned a Master of Theological Studies in 2016 from Lexington Theological Seminary in Lexington, Kentucky. Eventually, I entered Southern Methodist University’s Perkins School of Theology where I obtained a certificate in Spiritual Direction in 2017.
These combined experiences have set me on the contemplative path, enlarged my view of God, and deepened my relationships with God, self and others. Because of how the Holy is transforming my life , it is my joy and delight to accompany others as they seek to explore their relationship with Divine Mystery.
As a spiritual director, grounded in the Christian tradition, my ministry is always open and affirming to LGBTQ+ persons.
“Karen’s experience with Richard Rohr’s Center for Action & Contemplation means that our time together leads to a better spiritual life for me and for the world.” MB