Spiritual Direction


Life is a journey with bumps, potholes, sometimes overgrown pathways, and every now and then, open roads. As God awakens you on your journey, you become open to noticing God in and around you.



Exploring different areas of your life in spiritual direction helps you to recognize where the Holy has already been at work.




A spiritual director will encourage you to pay attention to the still small voice within, as you learn to recognize the subtle nudging of the Spirit.


Action is the proper response to connection. In response to the prompting of the Spirit, spiritual direction supports you as you confidently move forward on your spiritual path.


Visit Spirit Directors International to learn more about spiritual direction: http://www.sdiworld.org/find-spiritual-director/spiritual-direction-101.


“If you are seeking spiritual direction, you have probably had some kind of transformational experience along your way.  As a congregational pastor in vocational ministry I can attest to the need for ongoing metamorphosis.  I have known Karen Cote’s gifts since 2007 and grown in spiritual direction with her more recently in Centering Prayer in her home.  Her connections to women mystics, Richard Rohr, local mission combined with small group fellowship provide needed doses for living renewal and direction.” DG


“Karen has been my spiritual director for several years and in that time I have delved deeply into my spiritual journey. I appreciate that she never leaves our discussions on a surface level.  She asks just the right question to help me pray more fully for God’s direction.  She is a master at asking deep questions that never feel like they violate our sacred trust.” MB