I believe contemplative prayer enables us to live lives that are continually transformed by God’s love. When we make space in our lives for prayer, our relationship with God, self, and others becomes more loving and compassionate.
Because prayer is how we communicate with God, I enjoy offering workshops that introduce various practices and tools for contemplative prayer. Topics for practices include:
- Centering Prayer – a method of silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer
- Lectio Divina – an ancient practice of praying the Scriptures
- Body Prayers – involves our body in prayer
- Praying the labyrinth – an ancient tradition that invites our bodies to participate in the process of walking and praying
- Breath prayer – contemplative prayer linked to the rhythms of our breath
- Praying with beads – a tangible way to focus our attention during prayer. An entire workshop is available for making prayer beads.
- Reflective Prayer
- Examen – Based on Ignatian teaching, a prayerful way to review of our day
- Journaling – a spiritual practice for those who enjoy writing
- Mandala – the use of art to still the mind and connect with God
- Imaginative Prayer – An Ignatian teaching that uses the imagination to place yourself within a particular Gospel story.
For further information or to schedule a workshop designed especially for your group, please contact me, 912.429.0569 or mailto:karen@exploringconnection.net.
“Karen explores new prayer techniques, including body prayer, that have helped me identify areas of resistance and break through to new understandings of how God is working in my life.” MB
“Karen is one of the best facilitators of Centering Prayer I have ever met. Her quiet nature and openness to the Spirit sets the tone for her small group sessions. She gets out of the way and lets the Spirit move in the hearts of those gathered as the Spirit wills. You come away from her sessions ready to love and serve God with renewed energy and passion. ” BK